
Cosmopolitism, crossbreeding and transcendence: welcome to the artistic world of Ko Shin Moon. Formed in Paris by friends Axel Moon and Niko Shin, Ko Shin Moon is an ethno-musical and eclectic experiment that seeks to push back the limits of genres through the use of traditional sounds and analogue performances. Their eponymous debut album was released in 2017 on Akuphone, the Parisian label that is leading the French world music revival.


Recalling Jon Hassell and Muslimgauze, and never afraid to turn eastwards – whether Middle or Far – for inspiration, Ko Shin Moon’s music is coloured by scales and hues that the West is only just (re)discovering: Syrian and Lebanese dabke, the ritual dances of the Indian subcontinent, Thai pop, Egyptian belly dancing, Greek sirtaki, raï new beat and empirical samples. These vibrant colours are mixed together on one unique sonic canvas. From Karachi to Vientiane, stopping off in Oran, Beirut, Calcutta and Bombay, this sensorial odyssey is refreshingly resistant to labelling of any kind. The sound of the future will be transnational.